Although the obvious focus of the programs at Hinchinbrook Farm is on the improvement of sensory management by our clients, there is no less of an emphasis placed on animal care. The same philosophy of focus on “the other” applies to our horses, dog, cats and others that come and go — even horses belonging to other people. (Andy, the miniature horse, is owned by another farm, but in return for permanent loan, we look after his food, vet and other care issues.)
Here is an unsolicited testimonial from one of our clients, who boarded her Morgan at our facility for about 10 months in 2018-19.
I boarded my 4 year old mare at Hinchinbrook Farm from October 11th 2018 to August 1st 2019. Polly and I moved from an aggressive training environment to the trust based respect and consideration for the horse environment of Hinchinbrook Farm. Polly learned herd dynamics during her stay and became a calmer, happier horse. I gained confidence to work with my horse in a way I was comfortable with and felt proud of. I learned so much about equine care and stable management with best practices from Patricia McGill. I have implemented much of it at my own farm and continue to draw on her years of experience and the experience of other great horse people I met through my connection with Hinchinbrook Farm. I look forward to many more years of learning with my horses. It’s been amazing to rediscover a passion from my youth so full of great memories and to share it with my young daughter and our family. I’m very grateful for the time we spent at Hinchinbrook Farm.
Stephanie C.