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Sugarfoot was born March 30, 2019 and came to Hinchinbrook
when she was only 10 months old.


​Patty bought her from Allen Greene’s miniature horse farm in Nictaux, when she measured only 27″ tall (almost 7 hands). In her first week she learned to wear a halter, be lightly led, and step up on a grey wooden box.  


Although Sugarfoot is really small for Miniature horse, she is the best visiting horse in the herd. She craves attention which makes her an excellent visiting therapy horse.


She loves roaming around the farmhouse and getting into things left within her reach. Always up for learning more tricks. Her colour is green (bucket, grooming caddy, lead and halter).

Things that make me annoyed, sad, overwhelmed, 

or uncomfortable


  • I don’t like the farrier

  • Being ignored I want attention all the time

  • I get upset being the only horse in the paddock

  • Getting picked on by Andy for no reason



Some ways I like to regulate  


  • Doing liberty work in the round pen

  • Having my mane brushed and bows put on

  • Coming into the house to annoy the dog and snoop around

  • Going visiting . . . . anywhere !

  • Playing with Shanty​

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